Tags: oclhashcat-lite

The new SDK is out now! http://developer.amd.com/gpu/AMDAPPSDK/Pages/default.aspx It may be only hours till the new hashcat release, be prepared! more »
Atom implemented so called session in oclhashcat-lite. A session is nothing more then the default implementation of the restore feature with the possibility to mange multiple sessions. It's a pretty handy feature that i think will be frequently used.… more »
There was a lot happening around the hashcat community the last days. Since the leak of oclhashcat-lite a few users of the SL3 community choosed a more direct connection to the hashcat cummunity. Atom is pretty happy about the turn of events. So far we… more »
It's a really mad world....A weird scriptkid leaked an old beta version of atom's oclhashcat-lite and tries to sell 50$ licenses in a SL3-cracking board. He calls it "BRuteforcer" and the language of all of his posts is wittness of his age and maturity.… more »
Today atom has successfully finished the unittests on oclhashcat-lite. Since AMD will soon release the new SDK 2.4, as a matter effect atom will release oclhashcat-lite as soon as the SDK is avaiable. At this time it isn't known if the previous versio… more »