Today atom released his new version of oclhashcat-plus, which is quiet frankly a major step forward in my eyes. The release notes are overwhelming and i am very proud of atom and his work. For the first time he focused a little more on usability and han… more »
After weeks of hard work atom pushed his new version of oclhashcat-plus today!
All informations are available here: more »
Atom just got his first 7970 and made a post in the hashcat forum on how it performs:
MD5: hd5970 = 4940M/s, hd7970 = 8156M/s.
Conclusion: This card rocks, i am looking forward for the 7990! more »
After a little holiday break for atom he released a new version of oclhashcat-plus. With this version the "normal" version of oclhashcat is obsolete. At this point of time it is advised that no one should continue to use the normal version and switch to… more »
The mastermind atom has a very cool new feature upcoming in the next version of oclhashcat-plus. He calls it "multi-rules".
With them you will be able to combine an unlimited (as much ram you have) rules files.… more »