Archives for: April 2010


I got an outsourced project handed over that couldn't be finished in time. It was quite a simple request, one treeview and a listbox where the selected items where showed, the data source should a few joined sharepoint lists. The webpart was finished besides the problem that you only could select 160 items in the treeview, if more you got an "render failed" message from the list beneath.
First i had to figure out what exactly was causing the problem and that without the source. I traced it down to the CAML query where the webservice should get it's data from the filtered lists. Today i got the source and it didn't take long i found exactly that problem

Query completequery = new Query()
Where = new Where(GetWhereElement(node, field, BeginsWith)), // custom method
OrderBy = new OrderBy(new FieldRef(field.InternalName)) // custom method
SPQuery query = new SPQuery(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewID) ? list.Views[new Guid(ViewID)] : list.DefaultView);
query.Query = completequery.ToString();
return list.RenderAsHtml(query);

Indeed it was clear that the query failed if the statement in it had more then 160 interlaced ORs in it. The SQL-Server says "no thank's" at this point, what is definitly legitimate. work arround that problem i first had to figure out that CAML is really really "special" and not really smart. After a few hours of headaches i switched over to do the stuff manually and build the list by hand.


Struggled with some dead VDIs on one of my xenserver after upgrade to 5.5. The virtual disks got duplicated, can't remember directly but i think the cause are snapshots. I've tryed some really deep things in the xenstore to get things sorted out but none helped. As the VMs were full productive and i dont wanted to get in the risk of a emergency desaster recovery, i ended up exporting full backups of the vms, cleaned the storage completly and imported them again. Not really amazing fix but at least one problem less.

Here you can view the thread on the support forum:


If you get the error code 0X80072030 (8240) when trying to uninstall an exchange 2003 you have to take a look in the log file (c:\Exchange Server Setup Progress.log). Scroll down to the end, where the uninstall failed and watch for the "Creating Ldob from" right before the error. The line should contain a LDAP path to an object wich couldn't be found. Simple solution, open adsiedit.mmc and create the object.

In my case the uninstall failed again and again with more different kind of errors, e.g. i had to give him the mapi32.dll and pttrace.dll again (just copied it to system32 from the old sp2-setup).