Archives for: May 2010


Here is the summery of my experience with recovery in Exchange 2010

Windows Server Backup.
-in case of a complete desaster recovery insert the windows 2008 dvd, go for the recover mode and select the image
-in case of a db failure or lost mailbox:
-restore the database files out of the image ()
-create recovery database: New-MailboxDatabase -Recovery -Name "RDB" -Server WIN2008R2 -EdbFilePath "C:\EDBRestore\MailboxDB.edb" -LogFolderPath "C:\EDBRestore"
-replay the log files: "cd EDBRestore ; ESEUTIL /R E00 /I /D" (to get the DB to a clean shutdown state use "Eseutil /mh MailboxDB.edb")
-mount the database: Mount-Database RDB
-restore a lost mailbox: Restore-Mailbox -recoverymailbox lostmailbox -Identity lostmailbox -TargetFolder "Restore" -RecoveryDatabase "RDB"
(Detailed steps:

Windows Server Backup complete Image backup should be a consistent state within a DAG.
-Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy DB1\SRV14 -SuspendComment "backup break" -Confirm:$false
-vssadmin create shadow /For=C:\mountpoints\db01
-vssadmin create shadow /For=C:\mountpoints\db01_logs
-eseutil.exe /r /e00 /a
-Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy DBs1\EX3

Replication-delay within a DAG.

archive-mailbox (requires enterprise cals)
Single Item Recovery:

Databse-Recovery with DPM 2010
-create new recovery database (new-mailboxdatabase -name "RDB" -recovery)
-select the state in dpm you want to recovery
-select the exchange and the recovery-db
-go for it
-as a side node, the bad thing about this is that this will recover the whole database
-Finally you can export the mailbox you need from the Exchange console.
(-New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" -User administrator)
-Get-MailboxStatistics -Database RDB
-restore-Mailbox -recoverymailbox -Identity -TargetFolder "Restore" -RecoveryDatabase "RDB"


New versions of hashcat and oclhashcat are released. You can find them on the new project page