Tags: hash

Atom decided to take the increment option as default. So the previous post has to be adjusted. The default attack of oclhashcat-lite will adress 5-8 chars! more »
As you know atom is developing a new branch of oclhashcat called oclhashcat-lite. This version is dedicated to extreme easy handling, extreme optimizations of single-hash processing and it will be a research lab for atom. The thought behind the lite v… more »
atom has successfully enhanced the handling of salted hashes. It's now possible to run your attacks agains 32 byte salted hashes with no significant loss of speed! root@sf:~/oclHashcat-0.26# ./oclHashcat64.bin -m 1 74685d01e04319787bdbedcd07369d8… more »
Hashcat is a bitch that never sleeps! In this spirit there are plenty of news round about the fastest cracking tool in world. At first there is a relative great story to write about. Atom focused on optimizing as you all know that there a major impro… more »
I'm proud to announce the release of v0.36 of hashcat.     type: bug file: hashcat-cli desc: crashes if using -a 1 or -a 2 in combination with a single rule cred: shopeonarope type: bug file: hashcat-cli desc: sse2 inefficiently used if using in -… more »