Archives for: February 2016, 04


We are launching a new product called uLeak which is focused on web developers, mainly people who have to manage multiple websites.

With experience in the sector we've seen the problem of those people keeping up with the management of their in most cases heterogenous platforms like wordpress, joomla and drupal. With uLeak we try to give those poeple a bit of help by creating a central platform from which they can monitor their websites. You can monitor the version of your CMS, availability and possible hacks that might occur and get notified in case of emergency.

We also provide a unique feature which gives you the possibility to check your user passwords (in form of a hash) against our vast database of leaked passwords which we keep up to date with the help of hashcat.


I didn't post for years but I am still very much in touch with hashcat. It's worth mentioning that Atom decided to go opensource and we as a team helped him to launch it successfully in december.

With the opensource launch he made some major improvements and went for a major release namely version 2.00
Since then further improvements and an OSX port combined with the support of multiple OCL platforms made it into the master tree. Version 2.10 is now the pinnacle.