Category: A million little bugs - hashcat dev

To keep it straight, the guys at Citrix removed some drivers in the new release of Xenserver. My test machine is a AMD X2 with a nforce 5 board and an AMD74xx chip on it for the P-ATA connections. In addition i've build up a software raid 5 with S-ATA… more »
The team released the new version 5.0 of Xenserver ( The first new thing you get see after the installation is a curses menu in wich you do the basic tasks without need of cli or the XenCenter. The upgrade from a 4.1 system wo… more »
There is a malfunction when you try to install the new Agfeo-TK-Client 4.1.0 on a Vista machine directly. It doesn't start at all! You can work around this with the following tasks: - temporary giving the particular user local admin rights - install… more »
A useless change was committed in the new version of RDP. If you want to connect into a console-session you have to give the option /admin instead of /console. According to this you have to change your rdp-file from "connect to console:i:1" to "adm… more »
If you have modified the logon.aspx from OWA and apply the SP1 Rollup 3, you will probably get a blank page if you try to login to your OWA. I fixed this by applying the Rollup 3 on another machine and copying the patched logon.aspx to the productive se… more »